Brambling Fieldfare He Who Dares Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 With ringing in mind it was a marginal, less than perfect weather forecast last night, a chance of rain and 10mph easterlies. Will persuaded...
Barn Owl Brambling A Bad Barn Owl Day Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 It started off as a Good Barn Owl day when half- a-mile from home I spotted one of the local Barn Owls hunting the roadside fields in the ...
Brambling Chaffinch What’s The Excuse Today? Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 It’s getting to be a bad habit, this posting news a day late. So here is Sunday’s post with no justification unless a pre-Christmas haircut...
Brambling Goldfinch Back To Normal? Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Loading my gear into the car in the pitch black there seemed to be a lot of noise from the local Blackbirds. When I looked around to see t...
Brambling Chaffinch Slowly…. Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 With a capital “S” became the order of the day at Out Rawcliffe when catching just 24 birds took up four hours of the morning. Of the 24 ...
Brambling Chaffinch Mainly Finches Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 The weather this week has been mostly nasty, rain or fog and simply no sunshine, so when this morning dawned grey and cloudy but decidedly...