Little Owl Red Fox Woody Morning Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 The icy morning both began and then ended with a Sparrowhawk, but not the same one. The first, a female, flew across the road in front of ...
Little Owl Reed Bunting Half A Winter’s Day Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Not much of a post today on as it rained all morning which meant I couldn’t get out until 1230. By 1530 what sun there was started to fall...
Kestrel Little Owl No Time Like The Present Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 There was too little time this morning, no chance of a spot of ringing, just a quick topping up of the bird feeders at Out Rawcliffe, follo...
Dunlin Little Owl Making Hay Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Thursday. Sitting in the shade of the old apple tree with a cup of PG Tips while reading more of Unnatural Selection felt like a good plan...