Barn Owl Buzzard Sleepy Time North Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 There’s not a lot to report from this morning’s birding sortie but then it is sleepy mid-June. The regular Barn Owl flew over someone’...
Blue Tit Buzzard Windless Wednesday Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd, The Met Office, XC Weather, Wind Guru and the BBC. You name it, we’ve l...
Barn Owl Buzzard Missing The Grey Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 At last a slightly better morning with a hint of sunshine. There was no rain but too breezy to plan a ringing session, so it was birding ...
Barn Owl Buzzard A Thursday Trip Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 I missed out on a ringing session yesterday because the car was in for service. Andy did OK without my help by way of another 6 Lesser Red...
Barn Owl Buzzard Good News, Bad News Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 It wasn’t the best of morning with cloudy skies and the threat of rain but I made a beeline north. Beyond Pilling came the usual sigh...
Barn Owl Buzzard The Right Decision Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 At last a morning without wind and rain so I decided to try my luck not far away. A bright, frosty start saw me head east and over Stalmi...
Buzzard Peregrine Friday/Saturday And A Fishy Tale Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 On Friday the rain didn’t stop until close on 1pm. That left just a couple of hours for birding because by 3pm and five weeks to mid-winte...