Loading my gear into the car in the pitch black there seemed to be a lot of noise from the local Blackbirds. When I looked around to see the cause of the commotion a Tawny Owl in silhouette from the street lights sat atop a neighbour’s chimney pot. It was too dark to take a picture even and as I watched it the owl turned and flew back towards a local copse where it spends the daylight hours out of sight.
There was a respite from the seasonal celebrations and even a break from the rain this morning, allowing time enough for a visit to Out Rawcliffe and a spot of ringing combined with a little birding. Driving through the lanes the Little Owl was sat up in the by now half-light; and for students of photography, the picture was taken with ISO3200.
Little Owl
Having missed topping up the bird’s food for a day or two due to the weather and the intervention of Christmas I didn’t expect a huge number of birds. In fact it turned out OK with a catch of 17 new ones - 5 Chaffinch, 5 Goldfinch, 4 Reed Bunting, 1 Brambling, 1 Blackbird, and 1 Great Tit.
Firstly, and because they are a rather special and sought after species, there’s a picture of today’s Brambling, another first year male. In the locality today were 4+ Brambling and 50+ Chaffinch.
Brambling - 1st year male
I never tire of catching Reed Buntings, always so variable and interesting, never two the same. Today I counted 15+ Reed Bunting, a number similar to many recent occasions, but there must be a constant turnover of the species because recaptures are rare and I catch new ones on each visit.
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
Reed Bunting
More than 40 Goldfinches about today, all with rather mucky bills but not too surprising as all their natural food must be permanently sodden with the constant rain.
Goldfinch - female
Other bits and bobs today: 6000+ Wood Pigeon and 5500 Pink-footed Goose in nearby woods and fields respectively, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel and 1 Mistle Thrush, the thrush in full song from a nearby wood. On the way home and near the river I clocked up two more Kestrels, and then in Hambleton village a roving Jay, a couple of sightings which finished off an agreeable morning.
Log in soon and to see if can survive the rest of the festivities and then welcome in the New Year with good birding style.
This week we are linking to Anni who just like me would rather be birding at any time.
This week we are linking to Anni who just like me would rather be birding at any time.