Pink-footed Goose Redwing Back To Earth Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 After the excitement and interest of Saturday’s several Brambling and tubby Blackbirds today was something of an anti-climax when the strong...
Bullfinch Redwing Back Into Action Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Saturday 12 0ctober. I gave my ringing pliers a squirt of WD40. What with the trip to Greece and then the bad weather, they’d been depri...
blackbird Redwing Action Replay Sajak Senja Monday, October 18, 2021 A six thirty start may not seem that early but it does mean getting up at 0530 in time to load the car with poles, nets, ringing box, wellie...
Fieldfare Redwing New Year Birds Sajak Senja Monday, October 18, 2021 Like many others I’ve been laid up with a dreadful cough/cold and sinusitis for the past ten days, my traditional January misery. “That’s...