Lesser Redpoll Meadow Pipit Good Days Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 The opportunities and incentive for getting out ringing are exceptionally good at the moment with the spell of dry weather made better by th...
Jay Lesser Redpoll Autumn Stars Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 It was a touch breezy but clear and starry overhead last night as I stepped outside the back door at 8.30 and then 9.00pm pm listening for R...
Goldfinch Lesser Redpoll Small Is Beautiful Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Will and I had a good morning’s ringing, and after four hours of what is essentially work, we longed for a sit down, a wash and brush up, an...
Lesser Redpoll Reed Bunting Drip, Drip Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 A perfect blue sky and a white ground frost greeted Will and I this morning at Rawcliffe as we returned for another ringing session. We foug...
Dunnock Lesser Redpoll It’s No Joke Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 We met up at 0630 on the frosted moss again for another crack at dawn ringing. With it being April 1st I wasn’t sure if Will was pulling my...
Chiffchaff Lesser Redpoll A Win For Willy Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 With the disastrous summer we’ve struggled for a decent catch of birds all year but our luck changed this morning with an excellent mixed c...
Blackcap Lesser Redpoll First Redwings Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Tuesday 10th October. There was a chance of Redwings this morning after a good number were seen in the UK in the last few days, mainly on ...