Sleepy Time North

There’s not a lot to report from this morning’s birding sortie but then it is sleepy mid-June.  The regular Barn Owl flew over someone’...

Windless Wednesday

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd, The Met Office, XC Weather, Wind Guru and the BBC. You name it, we’ve l...

Missing The Grey

At last a slightly better morning with a hint of sunshine. There was no rain but too breezy to plan a ringing session, so it was birding ...

A Thursday Trip

I missed out on a ringing session yesterday because the car was in for service. Andy did OK without my help by way of another 6 Lesser Red...

Good News, Bad News

It wasn’t the best of morning with cloudy skies and the threat of rain but I made a beeline north.  Beyond Pilling came the usual sigh...

The Right Decision

At last a morning without wind and rain so I decided to try my luck not far away. A bright, frosty start saw me head east and over Stalmi...

Friday/Saturday And A Fishy Tale

On Friday the rain didn’t stop until close on 1pm. That left just a couple of hours for birding because by 3pm and five weeks to mid-winte...