Windless Wednesday

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd, The Met Office, XC Weather, Wind Guru and the BBC. You name it, we’ve looked at it, so we pencilled in a hopeful Wednesday window for a ringing session. They were all correct as the wind dropped from a raging westerly at 9pm last night to a big fat zero at 6am this morning when we landed at Out Rawcliffe.

The morning was fairly slow as we expected now that many warblers have gone, but we hoped to pick up the stragglers plus anything else that came along. We certainly found some variety with 17 birds but of 14 species, 12 “new” birds and 5 recaptures. Of the first timers we caught one each of the following: Tree Pipit, Yellowhammer, Jay, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Reed Bunting, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Robin and Wren, with 2 Chaffinch.

Recapture were made by 2 Willow Warblers and 1 each of Chiffchaff, Wren and Great Tit. The Willow Warblers and Chiffchaff were adults with almost completed moult so will very soon be on their way south.

The quiet ringing left time to survey the scene without the need to shelter from wind or rain but simply to sit in the sun, that strange yellow thing in the sky that we see occasionally.

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday
Jay - juvenile

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday
Tree Pipit - juvenile

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday
Yellowhammer - juvenile

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday
Reed Bunting – juvenile male, partial moult

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday
Sedge Warbler - juvenile

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday
Blue Tit

Following the overnight clear sky the morning’s visual migration was very thin, the highlight probably a single Swift heading south west in a light movement of Swallows and House Martins. We did notice a number of Chaffinches about this morning, “pinking” and contact calling as they flew over or dropped into the plantation. They are a sure sign of the real autumn to begin soon.

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday

The inevitable Marsh Harrier put in a showing as it patrolled the set aside but at one point had to fend off the attentions of a Buzzard that spotted the harrier taking a rest in a recently cropped field. Two other Buzzards today plus a single Kestrel completed the raptor scene.

Since the weekend Will and I did our homework via the regular crowd Windless Wednesday