News Or Three

There’s not much bird news this morning. It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found 4 Wheatears and a single Whinchat along the sea wall. I didn’t have any luck with the spring traps but did with the camera, and then only with a Wheatear. The Whinchat image is a relic from a Menorca trip.

here , but we now have further evidence of where those early spring migrant Siskins were headed and not surprisingly the destinations included Scotland. Ring number L300924, a Siskin ringed on 16 February 2011 was recaptured a month later on 18 March and then soon after took up its spring migration. Later in the year it was caught by a ringer at Tarbot, Loch Lomond, Scotland on 22 June 2011, 288 kms away from Will’s garden. Of course in June it would be in the throes of the breeding season.

 It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found  News Or Three
Catterall, nr Garstang to Loch Lomond

 It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found  News Or Three

During the autumn of 2010 during September to November we captured 49 Goldfinch at Rawcliffe Moss where we presumed many of those birds to be from further north. In the case of Goldfinch L300722 it proved of no great distance but typifies the often short movements across Morecambe Bay of this and other species (see the Reed Bunting below).Goldfinch L300722 was first ringed at Out Rawcliffe on 10 November 2010 and then recaptured at Walney Island Bird Observatory on 4 occasions between 7th March and 16th April 2011; after these captures it may have settled down to breed nearby or even moved further away during the later spring and summer. The distance between Rawcliffe Moss and Walney is just 29 kms.

 It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found  News Or Three
Out Rawcliffe to Walney Island

 It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found  News Or Three

A young male Reed Bunting L300408 ringed at Rawcliffe Moss on 7th November 2010 was recaptured in the breeding season of 2011 as an adult male at the RSPB Leighton Moss Reserve on 20th June 2011. This movement is fairly typical of juvenile Reed Buntings in travelling fairly short distances during their first winters, in this case just 34 kms.

 It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found  News Or Three
Out Rawcliffe to Leighton Moss RSPB

 It was too breezy for ringing on the moss so I went over to Pilling where I found  News Or Three
Reed Bunting

Fingers are crossed. The weather looks promising for a ringing session tomorrow.
