Chiffchaff Marsh Harrier Early Doors Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 This morning was the first for more than a week without rain and/or wind, so a spot of mist netting beckoned. I went to Rawcliffe alone thi...
Chiffchaff Goldcrest Crests And A Chiff Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 I saved my walk until pm today, not that it made the weather any better as here in the bleak North West as we enjoyed our fifth day of 100% ...
Chiffchaff Lesser Redpoll A Win For Willy Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 With the disastrous summer we’ve struggled for a decent catch of birds all year but our luck changed this morning with an excellent mixed c...
Chiffchaff Goldcrest Sticking It Out Sajak Senja Tuesday, October 19, 2021 The morning began dank and cold with a touch of mist, but the closer I got to Rawcliffe Moss about 8 miles away, the thicker the mist becam...
Blue Tit Chiffchaff Never Say Die Sajak Senja Monday, October 18, 2021 It was meant to be a day off birding with bits of both dog and child minding, but as very birder knows, bird watching never really stops. In...
Chaffinch Chiffchaff Siskins And Things Sajak Senja Monday, October 18, 2021 This morning was dominated by the sight and sound of many Siskins, but it was rather frustrating that our catch was far less than the numb...
Another Bird Blog Chiffchaff Out At Last! Sajak Senja Monday, October 18, 2021 Blog regulars may think the reason for a lack of recent posts is that I took a day or three off birding to do a few household chores, look...