Siskins, Sun and Sarnies

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will’s for a ringing session.

The roads were a little dicey this morning with poor visibility and freezing fog of -3C. Ian was a minute behind witnessing a tanker crashing through a dry stone wall on the A6 at Catterall. But we all arrived safe and sound at Will’s, if a little cold but to a welcoming cup of coffee.

The Siskins were there in numbers in the tree tops, we could hear them in the half light and mist, twittering away and waiting for a breakfast of energy giving nyger. Our first round of just the two nets caught 21 Siskins and 2 Goldfinch, tremendous!

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies

The sun eventually cleared a path through the mist as the Siskin kept arriving; At times they made a tremendous din moving about the garden or simply calling from the single pine and the several alders.

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies
Sunny Morning

By 1145 we had caught 61 birds:

Siskin 34, which included 2 retraps from previous occasions.
Chaffinch 8
Goldfinch 10
Dunnock 1
Robin 1
Great Tit 3
Coal Tit 1
Blackbird 2

And, wait for it you ringers out there, 1 Blue Tit, a retrap! On a frosty February morning there is a Fairy Godmother after all.

There’s always a question about what percentage of birds present or passing through a locality are actually caught at a ringing session. On this occasion, and after a little discussion, we agreed that to double our actual catch would be a conservative estimate of the Siskin seen and heard, so we assumed that upwards of 70 Siskin must have been around the area of the neighbourhood this morning. A few of the Siskin showed evidence of peanuts around their bills (photograph) but our ones this morning stuck to the nyger feeders throughout. Some of Will’s neighbours do feed peanuts only.

The birds kept us fairly busy but naturally we found time to fit in our own energy giving breakfast of bacon sarnie liberally basted with HP of the brown variety.

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies


That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies
Coal Tit

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies
Blue Tit

Other birds we saw this morning; Wood Pigeon 14, Collared Dove 4, Pied Wagtail, Nuthatch 2, Treecreeper 2, Kestrel. Jackdaw 20, House Sparrow 10.

That was the order of appearance this morning when we returned to Will Siskins, Sun and Sarnies
Pied Wagtail
