More Thrush Pictures

A definite thaw today and by 4pm most of the previous days snow had gone, just leaving slippery pedestrian paths. So in between babysitting here’s a few more pictures I dug out of garden birds at the weekend.

The first two are dedicated to my ringing colleague Fernando down in sunny Spain who is a great fan of Turdus philomelus.

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures
Song Thrush

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures
Song Thrush

While it took three weeks of cold and ice for a Song Thrush to appear, the Mistle Thrush appeared on a few occasions, especially the coldest morning when it appeared to be well insulated against the frost whilst impersonating a Lars Jonsonn sketch.

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures
Mistle Thrush

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures
Mistle Thrush

A Redwing put in a brief appearance before being chased off by the increasingly confident Fieldfare. I’m afraid this is the best picture I could get from the quick visit.

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures


I did notice a lot of standing around on one leg or switching of legs on the cold ground as an added insulation or keeping warm technique. That Song Thrush looks strangely like a fluffed out lollipop!

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures


pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures
Song Thrush

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures

But later, the Fieldfare didn’t take kindly to a Blackbird looking for a bite of the apple.

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures

pm most of the previous days snow had gone More Thrush Pictures
Fieldfare versus Blackbird
