A Touch of Gold

Monday is babysitting but the job often allows me to put a net up in the garden, all in the course of education naturally.

Well I didn’t catch a lot, just a handful of birds, the first of which was a Goldfinch bearing a ring, but not one of mine. So if anyone is wondering where X479288 is, it was here in my garden this morning and the record is already on IPMR and ready to go to the Ringing Office. I just hope it is a long distance one, but more often than not they are birds that wander around the Morecambe Bay area.

Monday is babysitting but the job often allows me to put a net up in the garden A Touch of Gold

A couple more Coal Tits and a single Blue Tit caught together with a nice scaly Blackbird and a Robin with a very tatty tail.

Monday is babysitting but the job often allows me to put a net up in the garden A Touch of Gold

Monday is babysitting but the job often allows me to put a net up in the garden A Touch of Gold

And maybe some real ringing on Wednesday? http://www.xcweather.co.uk/